hello, we’re kate lloyd and sophie tighe
We know what makes good content. From community-building social media strategy to inventive video concepts and pitch-perfect copy ideas, our consultancy helps brands transform the way they talk to customers, ensuring they stand out and stay relevant.
about us
Over the last 12 years, we’ve worked as editors, strategists, writers and social innovators for industry-leading global brands. We’re known for creating fresh, exciting content strategy – the kind that builds audiences, wins awards, changes perceptions and makes headlines – and we’d love to do that for you.
What we offer
Our bespoke consultancy services help companies plan and create highly engaging videos, blogs, social posts, newsletters, podcasts and printed media. Our offering is scalable, ranging from one-off training sessions to extensive, year-on-year support.
All our work is underpinned by the expertise and knowledge we’ve developed working at the highest level of editorial content creation. Plus, we offer access to our overflowing contacts book , spanning tech, media, PR, culture and talent.
book a meeting
Interested in working with us? Send us a message and we’ll be in touch to organise an initial consultation.